Minggu, 19 Mei 2013

How make a sherdded fish (Abon Ikan)

Shredded fish is preserved foods made from ocean fish flavored, deiolah by boiling and frying. The resulting product has a soft shape, taste delicious, distinctive odor, and has a relatively long lasting power. MATERIALS • tuna fish (tuna, mackerel, pomfret, shark) 10 kg • Onion 1 ½ oz (20 items) • 1 ounce garlic (12 cloves) • Coriander 10 grams (3 sdk eat) • 3 slices galangal slices (thickness 5 mm) • Bay leaves 10 pieces • 3 stalks Lemongrass • 700 grams of sugar • Tamarind 6 eyes • 10 cups thick coconut milk (10 coconuts) TOOLS • Knives • Tool chopper (chopping board) • Plastic Buckets • plastic basket • Pots • Basins • crushers seasoning (mortar) • frying pan (skillet) • Grated • Fork • Plastic bags • calico fabrics • Tool press (press) MAKING WAY • Choose fresh fish, remove the head, tail, skin, and entrails, then wash; • Cut the fish approximately 1 cm thick, 10 cm long and 6 cm wide, then wash; • Boiled or steamed until done and let cool. Dried fish in order to enter into a calico cloth and press with a press (press); • Separate from the bones and spines and tattered with a fork, then mash it slowly so that a smooth fiber; • Blend the spices and stir-fry in a frying pan, then enter the thick coconut milk. Add galangal, tamarind, sugar, bay leaf, and lemongrass; • Heat continue to boil, stirring, stirring, until the milk stayed half; • Enter the fish meat fibers gradually into the milk, stirring constantly until dry. When finished frying mince is completely dry, touched already rustle, and brown. (If still a lot of oil, press oil press tools and capacity); • Drain and let cool, then put in a plastic bag.

  • Pembuatan abon. Jakarta : Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Industri Hasil Pertanian, Departemen Perindustrian, 1982. Hal. 1-4.

  • Saraswati. Sambelingkung (Abon ikan). Jakarta : Bhratara, 1985. Hal. 1-5.

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